Photo Credit: Tracy Bonthala

Photo Credit: Tracy Bonthala

How It Started!

Ultra Prime Comics is a family business all inspired by its President Benjamin, a young man with Autism. Benjamin at young age has always been very interested in comics, superheroes, villains and dinosaurs. Benjamin was inspired by movies, cartoons and video games such as Transformers, DC Superheroes, and Skylanders.

In the beginning, Benjamin started drawing the visions that were in his head and put them on paper. As Benjamin entered High School at Waubonise Valley he took several art classes that allowed him to be more creative and get his ideas going and as time went on he created over 70 heroes and 120 villains. When Benjamin was a junior at Waubonsie Valley he would tell all his friends and teachers that one day he would be a comic book writerOnce Benjamin entered the adult transition program STEPS he was then able to be even more inspired with Creative Writing Classes.  During his creative writing classes he was then able to create stories for his characters.  It was after Benjamin finished his second year at STEPS that the idea of creating his own Comic Book was brought to light by his Aunt Victoria.  As a family we talked about different ways to make his visions come to life, and so the journey begins.